Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Electric Cars

We have been witnessing euphoria about electric car production in our public discourse, with the government aiming to mass produce 10,000 such vehicles in 2014. This talk about electric cars emerges of a government policy to curb fuel subsidies.
Because of the growing public awareness about global warming, the increasingly urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, and also the government policy to curb fuel subsidies, electric cars couldn`t be avoided anymore.
The electric cars have some social benefits when compared to petroleum-fueled cars. First, using the electrical energy derived from domestic power will increase economic growth. Second, the reduction of air pollution and noise levels will improve public healthy quality. Third, the intensive use of electricity infrastructure will optimize the value to be gained from electricity infrastructure; and, fifth,  potential for reducing renewable electricity integration cost.
However, the electric cars also have some disadvantages. First,  increasing traffic congestion in many places where people more like to use private car. Second,  the pollution effect from the competition in using electric power resources between electric car and industry. Third, increase traffic accident because of the sound from electric car is less noisy to heard by the pedestrian. Fourth,  the rising potential cost of electricity infrastructure if smart charging technology is not well developed.
Generally, I agree with Mr. Teddy Lesmana, the writer of the article, about unreadiness the government in developing mass production. But , I still optimist this project will going on like our hope. As long as the government seriuos to develope the supporting infrastructure for electric cars. Because,  if the supporting infrastructure not well enough developed, the aim of the government to decrease fuel consumption will fail and people will back to petroleum-fueled transportation. After that, the government should popularize and make sure the people about the capability of the electric cars and this transportation safe, convenient, and reliable to ride everywhere.

2 komentar:

  1. Like what dega has said in this post Electric Cars has so many benefit. It will reduce the air pollution that's very high nowadays.If the air pollution decrease , people's health will increase .
    But i think it'll need a high cost to produce the electrical car.but it'll give so many benefit to our country so it's worth to do.
    But i think traffic accident wont increase so much because pedestrian can see the cars although it's not noisy to heard.

  2. i also agree with what Dega said, Electric Cars make environment more clean. i think private cars and motor vehicle must be use electric too because in Indonesia the amount of private cars and motor vehicle is far above the amount of public transport so if government just make public transportation use electric i think the pollution is not gonna change.
    Also if government use electric cars to make public transport they must think about the electric solution because electric cars didn't have much power to run as long as petroleum-fueled cars, electric cars must make a bigger battery but if the battery big time to charge the battery is much longer so government must think a solution to make charge more simple.
